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Public Sector - Warning sounders and Beacons

These devices are installed on most systems (although a Category P system does not necessarily require them it is rare that they are not). The sound pressure (or noise level) must meet a minimum level between usually 65dbA or 5dbA above the ambient noise level. If the premises have a noisy environment, then consideration should be given to having beacons as well as sounders.

Consideration should also be given to the Equality Act and the fact that a person could be hard of hearing or deaf and may not hear a sounder activating. Warning sounders are defined as local audible devices and are designed to warn everyone in the building of a fire alarm activation and are always used in a category L system.

Remote signalling devices

are used when the building is empty but a warning of the fire alarm activating needs to be passed to key holders and or the emergency services. Remote signalling is mandatory in a category P system where the
protection of property is required for obvious reasons. Remote signalling can also be used in a Category L or mixed system for the relatively small annual cost it gives peace of mind that the building is protected 24/7 and the authorities will be called should a fire develop.



Fire Alarm Sounder 

Fire Alarm Beacon



CSL Dual Com remote Signalling Device

Fire Alarm Monitoring