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31 August 2018

It’s a sad fact of modern day life in the UK that crime, in particular violent crime, is on the increase. You only have to listen to the news to see this.

Leaving your premises unsecured is an open invitation to burglars and vandals. But, if you take the right precautions, it is possible to protect yourself and deter perpetrators from even thinking about gaining unlawful entry.

Whether your shop premises are in a town centre or village location, it is essentially the building is made safe – both physically and electronically. That means having robust locks and shutter doors fitted. This is your first line of defence when the unit is unoccupied.

But it is equally important to have intruder alarms installed and you may also want to consider panic buttons and a CCTV system.  

CCTV is now a cost-effective option

In line with the rising threat, it is no surprise that we have seen a marked increase in our CCTV business over the years. This level of surveillance was once the exclusive domain of the big brand stores, but times have changed. As technological sophistication has improved, the cost of installing CCTV equipment has fallen. Consequently, more and more of our customers are now seeing the benefit of this type of system, especially when it is installed in conjunction with one of our monitored intruder alarm systems.

Indeed, monitored electronic security is extremely important because it provides early notification of when a premise has been breached. And if CCTV equipment is fitted, an intruder is far less likely to make a break-in attempt than if there were no surveillance cameras in operation.

As an established independent provider of electronic security systems, with over 30 years’ experience and 10,000 installations to our name, we are proficient at tailoring security solutions for customers across the UK.

You may be new to retailing and unsure of what security measures you need to take, or you may have had a bad experience which has caused you to review your current security arrangements. Whatever the circumstances, we’ll make sure you can trade in the knowledge that your shop premises are as secure as they could possibly be.

At the outset, we will provide a full-site survey to provide practical and cost-effective recommendations, designed to meet your specific requirements.

Our comprehensive range of commercial security systems include 24-hour alarm monitoring, so that the emergency services or nominated keyholders can be immediately notified if an alert has taken place. 

Furthermore, if you want to restrict entry to a designated number of persons and block entry to others, a fully integrated electronic access control system may also be something worth considering for your business more information can be found here

You can also take advantage of our customer demonstration room at our Birmingham Office  

Above all, our priority is your safety and protection. As a company which has had National Security Inspectorate (NSI) gold standard accreditation for 27 years - the highest level of recognition within the UK’s fire and security industry – we’re well-placed to assist you. For further information, see our testimonials page here 

 If you have any issue you wish to discuss regarding securing your shop or retail unit, contact us straightaway on 0845 468 0927